The Town of Coaling

About Us


Mayor: William O. Burkhalter, CMO


Council Members:


Wendy Bush, Place 1


George Tatum, Place 2


James A. Roberts, Place 3 


Carol Snider, Place 4


Gary Averett, Place 5 



Town Clerk: Sylvia Rouse, CMC


Police Chief: Jason Jamison


Court Clerk: Luann Higginbotham, CMCCM


Town Attorney: Ronald L. Davis


Municipal Judge: Dennis Steverson


Municipal Prosecutor: Rachel Fleming









The Town of Coaling has a park and playground area that also includes a pavilion.  The pavilion can be reserved in advance for birthday parties and other events for $25.00 with a two hour maximum.  The park is open daily until dusk. 


Adjacent to the park and playground area there are baseball and softball fields as well as a walking track.  All of these are located on Stephens Loop Road near the Town Hall


The Town of Coaling has a storm shelter located at the #1 Fire Station on U.S. Highway 11, the shelter is open whenever a severe weather warning is issued for the area.  The shelter has a maximum capacity of 95.